Entire video was recorded, edited and fully processed on Averil’s iPhone 7 during beginning of pandemic.

Video was in leu of live performance for MeTooMpls project.


Vocals, Background Vocals: Averil Bach

Electric Guitar: Averil Bach

Low Octave Guitar: Averil Bach

Bass: Owen Sartori

Drum and Percussion: Owen Sartori

Written and Produced by Averil Bach

Engineered by Owen Sartori, Davide Raso and Elsa Lee

Mixed by Owen Sartori and Averil Bach

Recorded at F5 SoundHouse in Minneapolis, MN. and Bach's house in St. Paul, MN.

Written by Averil Bach and Graham Bramblett. http://www.grahambramblett.com

Vocals: Averil Bach and Graham Bramblett

Electric Guitar: Blair Krivanek

Acoustic Guitar: Graham Bramblett

Bass: Nick Salisbury

Drums: Greg Schutte

Recorded in Minneapolis, MN. at Boom Island Recording (in 2017 known as Bathtub Shrine Recording)